Small business permits

Beckenham Place Park is Lewisham’s largest park and a recipient of a Green Flag award which is a testimony to the great care that the grounds team and volunteers put into looking after the park.  


Small businesses wishing to conduct their business in the park must apply for a permit. Permit holders are given a numbered armband with ‘BPP permit holder’ printed on it. This armband indicates that the business has been checked and permitted to conduct their business, under agreed terms, by Lewisham Council.


Why do we issue permits? 

The park is an essential asset to the biosphere, to the local community and to the wider population. Some areas are designated quiet areas, others are event zones or unsuitable for the use of group training due to the risk to nature.  

The permit granting process considerations include:

  • Does the business fit into Beckenham Place’s strategy which derives from Lewisham Council’s wider strategy? 

  • Does the activity fit with the wider offer in the park? 

  • Regulation of physical training in the park 

  • Fairness to the law-abiding businesses that observe health and safety and other rules 

  • Has the business conducted a risk assessment and does it hold valid public liability insurance

  • Is the activity conducted in a Covid-19 secure way  

  • Is the person leading sessions qualified to do so 


What type of businesses? 

Most small businesses operating outdoors are well-being and fitness related. Other businesses include photography, eco-therapy and parent and child workshops. 


Why do we charge for the permits? 

This is common practice across parks nationally. Charges include the administration and staff time necessary to check the businesses can operate securely, providing the relevant equipment and communication with relevant stakeholders. The process offers reassurance to businesses and park users. 


Businesses that run these activities do so as a for-profit enterprise and expect to pay for a venue, regardless of where they operate. Paying for a permit, rent or pitch fee is only another cost of running a business.   


How to identify a permit holder in Beckenham Place Park

Upon approval, permit holders are given a green armband with ‘BPP permit holder’ printed on it. 


Why the public should only purchase from permit holders 

Permits holders will have had essential documentation checked by Beckenham Place staff (for example, risk assessment, PLI). By purchasing from a permit holder, you will also be supporting a legitimate business that signed up to a code of conduct and contributes to the upkeep of the park. 


It may not be safe to purchase goods or services from non-permit holders. Risks include lack of Covid compliance, lack of professional qualifications, lack of basic hygiene standards, poor quality product or service, engaging in practices that are harmful to the environment (for example, idling vehicles) and having no public liability insurance. 


Reporting unlicensed business activity in the park

To report businesses operating in Beckenham Place Park without a permit please email with the following details: day, time, location, name of the business, nature of the business and vehicle registration (if applicable) to If you can, please include a photo. 


If you buy from someone in the park wearing a BPP license holder permit, and you are not happy about their service please ask for their armband number and contact with details of the unsatisfactory service. If it breaches the code of conduct, the permit may be revoked. 


Businesses wishing to apply for a permit should email 

Andrea Matias