Humans of BPP competition

Inspired by the Humans of New York photography project, we are running a Humans of Beckenham Place Park photography competition on Instagram to celebrate the diverse mixture of people who use the park. We are inviting people to submit photos of themselves or their friends and family that have been taken in Beckenham Place Park during 2021. 


To enter, you need to upload your photo to Instagram using the relevant hashtag for the season in which the photo was taken:

1 January-28 February use #humansofbppwinter21
1 March–31 May use #humansofbppspring21
1 June-31 August use #humansofbppsummer21
1 September-21 November use #humansofbppautumn21

Winning and runner up entries will feature in an exhibition in the park in December 2021.

Individuals may submit as many photos as they wish, but only one image will be considered per person at judging. Images must have been taken in 2021 during the relevant months for the hashtag they are submitted under.

If you’re not yet following us on Instagram, you can do so @BeckenhamPlacePark