Meet... P., Volunteer

P. , one of the Beckenham Place Park Volunteers, tells us about her volunteering experience.

How long have you been volunteering at Beckenham Place Park?

14 months

In your own words, what sorts of activities do you do during the volunteering sessions?

I prune and cloud prune shrubs, plant flowers and maintain them, help with rose pruning and care, help in the woods to clear invasive species and define paths with logs. I also maintain the willow tunnels in the playground and do lots of weeding in the spring and summer months. I also answer lots of questions from the public!

What is your favourite thing about volunteering at BPP?

Companionship and the cheerful guidance of Lucy and Gavin.

What is your most memorable moment from volunteering at BPP?

Cloud pruning the dwarf pine and realising that it actually looked nice!

What benefits do you get from volunteering at the park?

Companionship. Learning new skills and using the knowledge I already have (but didn’t realise I had!). Peacefulness and happiness from working outside in a beautiful location.

What would you say to someone who was considering visiting Beckenham Place Park for the first time?

It’s a wonderful place for everyone and a great play space for children. Enjoy the wide-open spaces and walks in the wood. It’s beautiful in all weathers. And enjoy a cuppa in the beautiful courtyard as a reward at the end of a tiring and healthy walk!

What would you say to someone who was considering volunteering at the park?

Don’t hesitate. You will meet a lovely bunch of people all of whom will welcome you with genuine warmth. And prepare to laugh and enjoy yourself as well as work hard and learn new things. You will surprise yourself with what you know already.

Anything else you’d like to add?

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