East side development update

The Masterplan for the eastern side  

Over the past 24 months, with extensive public consultation and working in close collaboration with the Environment Agency, the Council has developed a Masterplan design for the Eastern side of  Beckenham Place Park.  

These exciting designs bring activity and interest to the east of the park with a focus on nature, interaction with the River Ravensbourne, new and enhanced play and activity for all ages. The designs complement the recent transformation of the western side of the park.

The intention is to introduce water management within the east of the park in a natural way, using gentle landforms that create subtle features within the landscape, increasing wildlife and habitat value and diversity, whilst also reducing flood risk to local communities.  A new flowing series of spaces and rolling landforms along the perimeter and an extended network of footpaths will offer opportunities to diversify walking, running and cycle routes around the park and allow more of the park to be explored and enjoyed by everyone. 

We are opening up accessibility to the river in a sensitive way that will maintain the natural environment of the river, whilst allowing greater opportunities for interaction with the water and the water’s edge. We will also be better connecting the east and west sides of the park and improve entrances to the east side. 

Opportunities for play are key to our improvements, and we will be providing new and enhanced prescriptive and non-prescriptive play for a wide range of ages and large flat open areas for play and activities will remain.

You can review the Full Masterplan designs here

Update and Next steps 

A planning application for the scheme was submitted in December 2021 and the period for consultation closed in early February 2022.   It is expected that scheme will be considered by a Planning Committee summer 2022.

The phase one planning application area is as per the red line below. We have determined this area based on the likely available funding and based on priorities identified through consultations.  The southern field will remain as it is currently until further funding becomes available.

We expect to be procuring the main landscape works in the autumn of this year with a view to starting on site in early 2023. The construction schedule will be worked up in detail with the chosen contractor and we expect a programme of works lasting around one year.  Prior to the main works, we plan tree enabling works this winter 2022.  This will involve remedial works, some removal of collapsed or damaged trees, canopy lifting, scrub removal and enabling of access to the river.  Detailed ecological surveys are currently ongoing as part of this process.


We are also looking to demolish the old changing block next to the playground late this year and as part of this process crushing the demolished materials on-site so that this can be used as sub-base for new and upgraded paths in the park.


Volunteering and Apprentice Opportunity

The project will offer an apprentice post and training and a programme of volunteer engagement, focusing in particular on the river.   This summer we will begin outreach to the local community to support and engage volunteers in the park.   Environmental charity Thames 21 are supporting our volunteering work.


New Park Café

We will begin the tendering process this summer to seek an operator to build and run an east side park café, with public toilet facilities, with a view to the operator aligning their build of the café with the main park works starting early 2023.  

More details of the proposed scheme and regular updates  will be posted on this website and you can sign up to the BPP e-newsletter to receive updates about Beckenham Place Park by email.

You can also email adam.platts@lewisham.gov.uk.  with any queries.