East side development update

A planning application for major improvements to the east side of the park is due to be submitted in late November 2021.  

Physical works 

The improvements set out in the planning application comprise extensive new landscaping, providing wildlife-rich nature ponds, lowland meadows with space to accommodate storm-water to reduce flood risk, river restoration, increased climate resilience and biodiversity and extensive play and activity provision. The flood storage area will help protect over 200 properties and infrastructure from flooding, increasing resilience against flood risk in the borough. A welcoming, high quality and inclusive open space with rich natural heritage, great facilities and a broad range of activities will be created - a place to explore, to escape city life, to escape heat risks, to exercise, and restore physical and mental health. 

 A link to the planning application will be posted here once it is submitted.

Social value 

Alongside the physical work, we are also planning a programme of volunteering and training, engagement and knowledge building and social-prescribing pathways, building skills and stewardship, opening up employment opportunities in the green economy and opportunities for those suffering poor mental and physical health.  


Lewisham Council have allocated in excess of £1millon for these improvements and close work is ongoing with the Environment Agency with a view to securing significant Environment Agency financial contribution. Further funding from the Mayor of London and other sources will also be sought. 

Design and works contract 

Following grant of planning permission, landscape architects will start detailed design and preparations for tendering of works. We expect to have procured a works contractor by September 2022, with work starting on site in late 2022 and completing in late 2023.