Thanks to our tree planting heroes!

On Saturday over 70 adults and young people came out to support our Ranger James tree planting in the park!


This was part of our commitment to plant over 2000 new trees on the Downham side of the park as part of the redevelopment work there and our tree planting heroes did not disappoint!


We planted in two key areas, one alongside the river Ravensbourne with a mixture of trees suited to this including the endangered black poplar along with other species such as goat willow, aspen and alder. The other area was an extension of existing woodland nearer the railway line using a classic native woodland mix including oak, sweet chestnut, hazel and hawthorn among others.


This was off the back of The Young Mayors advisors planting river side trees the previous Saturday and the parks regular volunteers getting stuck in during the week and filling in patches of woodland extension on the Downham side of the park.


In total we’ve planted over three quarters of our target and the remaining trees have gone into our nursery for the summer as the ground conditions in some of the planned planting areas weren’t suitable from the extremely wet February, but we will be filling them in next planting season!


Thank you to everyone involved!