Music Festivals Update

Hospitality and Slammin, the same people who delivered last year’s successful summer music festival in BPP, are planning to deliver a similar event.

2024 programme

The plan for this year is as follows:

·        Friday, 16 August - Summer time

Dance anthems brought to life by a 32 piece orchestra with live vocalists and DJs (max expected audience 5k)

·        Saturday, 17 August – Hospitality in the Woods

The best of Drum & Bass by well established and respected music label, Hospitality (max expected audience 10k)

·        Sunday, 18 August – TBC 

Max expected audience 7k

License and Permission process

Hospitality and Slammin have submitted an application for variation to the license. Please note that, whilst the maximum capacity the event would be licensed for would remain at 12,000, this year’s event is expected to be capped at the levels stated above under the programme section.

As part of the application process, the event will also be submitted to ESAG (Event Special Advisory Group) where public safety will be considered, along with other factors such as noise.

The event is subject to license approval, compliance with the ESAG’s guidance and Lewisham’s approval and conditions.

Permission granted and further details about such measures to reduce impact on local residents will be shared on web updates and public meetings.


As part of the licensing process, there is a 28 day public consultation period. Notices are going up in the park on the week starting 4 February.

Lewisham, Hospitality and Slammin remain committed to hearing from the local community and strive to find the best possible solution for all stakeholders. 

Bromley Council will continue to be invited to ESAG meetings and updated as appropriate.

Public resident meeting dates

As per usual the event organiser will include holding public meetings. The next dates are likely to be in April and June. Dates and details to follow here.


Tickets for Friday and Saturday are on sale now – links above – with early bird prices.

As in previous years, there will be a ticket ballot for local residents. Details to be published here