East side development update

January 2022 update

Over the past 18 months, Lewisham Council has been developing plans for the regeneration of the parts of the park to the east of the Railway line and around the River Ravensbourne. We have been consulting closely with the community about needs and aspirations and on the development of designs.

 A planning application for the proposed improvements has now been made and applications submitted to the Mayor of London and the Environment Agency for additional funds to complement the money that the Council has allocated for this project.  

The proposals are for new landscaping, restoring low-value amenity grassland to wildflower meadows, woodland and wetland creation, extensive tree planting, lowland meadows with space to accommodate stormwater to reduce flood risk,  wildlife-rich nature ponds and river restoration to enrich the park’s ecology and better access to the river. There will be new and enhanced paths and cycleways, exciting new play provision, opportunities for a cafe with public facilities, improved entrances and better wayfinding measures.

The planning application for Beckenham Place Park East side can be found here.

Please read this guidance for general information as to how to comment on the application.  

We expect a decision on Mayor of London and Environment Agency funding and on the planning application by spring this year. Once planning permission has been granted, detailed construction design and tendering of the construction and landscaping works would commence, with a view to work starting on-site by the end of the year.  

Regular updates will continue to be provided on this website as the project progresses.

Queries about the project can be directed to beckenhamplacepark@lewisham.gov.uk.