Downham Men's Group joins Thames21 in the river

The Downham Men’s Group joined Thames21 for a task focused conservation session with the aim of removing woody debris which was blocking the river. BPP Park Ranger James and Thames21 Event Support Officer Cliff led the group to remove the large Crack Willow branches from the water and a further broken branch dangling over the river.  It was a tool heavy session using loppers, saws, pole saws and a rope technique to strategically pull and twist the broken branch off. Thank you to Trevor and his group for giving up their time and we look forward to welcoming you back soon.

 Scroll down to see the Downham men at work!

The volunteer sessions run every first Tuesday of the month and every third Sunday and everyone is welcome including local organisations and groups. Visit Thames21 Beckenham Place Park website [] read more about the project. If you’d like to join a volunteer session or have any questions, please email Catriona, Beckenham Place Park Engagement Officer, at